martes, 25 de octubre de 2011

I do not like being a human

Heartless = non-feeling person?
Related to my other posts I have to say that I hate having feelings. I believe that life would be a lot easier if we did not have them.

People without feelings would be the type of person that prefers the neutral state than the possibility of having happiness and pain. It is really related to my last post, I speak at the end abaout a feeling of non-unhappiness; now, instead of "feeling" I would say "state".
Now I just can add, relating it to my first post, if you do not want no have feelings, you can not love people, obviously because it is a feeling, a strong one.

I have thought a lot if I can assure that I hate having feelings. Feeling love, pain, regrets, guilt, joy, sadness...
Do I really want to have a life without them? I can not say no, but I can not say yes neither. Is it to extreme? Is it like choosing between black and white? I have my doubts. Most people wants to have feelings; days pass and I think I am distancing of this majority.

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